
Slovenský Klub Chovateľov Ridgebackov

Oficiálna stránka plemena Rhodesian Ridgeback na Slovensku

Novinky 2018

ŠV 2018 očami rozhodkyne Mariëlle Trésoor

logo SV 2018
Radi by sme sa ešte poohliadli za Špeciálnou výstavou v Pezinku a to prostredníctvom postrehov pani rozhodkyne Mariëlle Trésoor. Ďakujeme za jej posúdenie a tu je jej pohľad na naše ridgebacky:

It was a great honor to have judged the Special Club Show SKCHR on Saturday October 13th 2018.

First of all, I would like to thank the committee for having invited me and taking so good care of me during my stay. It was an exceptionally well-organized show, nice showground with a wonderful big ring, beautiful prices and some lovely weather.
Secondly, I would like to thank all the owners/handlers for having entered their dogs. With an entry of 82 Ridgebacks I could get a good look of the Ridgebacks in (and around) Slovakia.

I was very pleasantly surprised by the overall quality and construction of your Ridgebacks. Very nice breed type in general as well.

Some reflections:
Two very lovely veterans in wonderful condition for their age.
Unfortunately, my very nice veteran dog wasn’t totally sound on the move that day, so that’s why I couldn’t grant him an excellent.
A lot of minor puppies and puppies. Always a joy to have them in the ring and being able to give them enough time and space to settle down. Lots of puppies for whom it was their show debut; nonetheless most of them performed very well. I hope I have helped encourage many of them to continue because they’re worth it.
A few dogs and bitches (not talking about the puppies), didn’t feel confident enough to be touched. Something that can easily be solved with some training. Most times these were also ridgebacks who came to a show for the first time, so you cannot blame them too much.
Dogs in general; some very big, rather heavy dogs. Some with a bit too much throatiness in neck, a front too straight or too narrow. Most dogs though were well balanced in front and hind angulation with a good depth of chest and nice strong bone. Excellent temperaments of the dogs in the showring; no grumbling or problems amongst them.
Open class bitches was the most difficult class to judge as there were 2 more or less extremes; on the one hand big, strong bitches with a lot of bone (but still feminine) and on the other hand bitches who in general appearance seemed to be more of the sighthound type.
The champion class bitches was an amazing class to judge. All of them of terrific quality; very difficult to choose from. Seeing so much quality in one ring, moving around me, made me feel humble.
Even so, the best bitch was the bitch from intermediate. A young bitch already well developed in body for her age and with an effortless movement with nice long strides and good drive. A wonderful young bitch that just had the extra sparkle to become the best of breed.

It is judging shows like yours that make me realize why I love to be a Ridgeback judge.
Thank you for this exceptional day.

Marielle Tresoor
Vir die Simba Safari
The Netherlands

ŠV 2018 BOB BOSVľavo BOS "Kangelani´s Perfect Choice" a vpravo BOB "Camisha Rubi Kaweria"

Federation Cynologique InternationaleSlovenská Kynologická JednotaSlovenský Poľovnícky zväz

skchr elbreed


Akcie klubu 2025


Miesto konania: Nitra

o 15.00 hod. MsKS v Šamoríne

Miesto konania: Vojka nad Dunajom, kynologická hala
Henk Salm

BONITÁCIA SKCHR, klubový deň
Miesto konania: Vojka nad Dunajom, kynologická hala

Miesto konania: Vojka nad Dunajom, kynologická hala

BONITÁCIA SKCHR, klubový deň
Miesto konania: Vojka nad Dunajom, kynologická hala


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