Nachádzate sa tu: Home l Archív noviniek l Novinky 2022 l Virtuálne globálne stretnutie plemena Rodézsky ridžbek 17.12.2022
Dávame do pozornosti členom SKCHR ako aj ďalším milovníkom plemena RR konanie sa Virtuálneho globálneho stretnutia plemena RR pripraveného pani predsedkyňou izraelského RR Klubu a dlhoročnou chovateľkou plemena p. Orit Nevo CHS Rich - Rach (Izrael). Súčasťou tohoto stretnutia budú aj prezentácie jednotlivých európskych klubov RR, do ktorých sa zapojil aj náš klub SKCHR.
13:00-13:05 Orit Nevo RR Club Israel | a welcome
13:05-13:15 Dr. Tamás Jakkel FCI President | forewords
13:15-13:30 Linda Costa Vice President (Australia) The Rhodesian Ridgeback Club, the Parent Club, Founded 1922, keeper of the Parent Club Archive | the history of the parent club archive - past present and future.
13:30-14:00 Martin Klopsch & Dr. Thomas Laube DZRR | all the news about the DS research and how it is NOT related to the R gene. A presentation & 10 min. Q&A
14:00-14:30 Countries presentations Australia (NRRCA), Italy (RRCI), Czech Republic (CKRR)
14:30-14:50 Dr. Mariette Van Der Veer Vizara Kennel | Rhodesian Ridgebacks in Rhodesia and Nyasaland
14:50-15:15 Anna Vavilova Aries Khan Kennel | Colour's genetic: "Rainbow of ginger".
15:15-15:25 Mattia Cenci Rhodesian Ridgeback Club d'Italia | The long-haired coat gene in the RR
15:25-15:50 Countries presentations Slovakia (SKCHR), Hungary (RRCH), France (RRCF), Croatia (RRCZ)
15:50-16:10 Will Kearney @MarkingOurTerritory | What Does a Healthy Breed Community Look Like? - A Consideration of The Rhodesian Ridgeback and Social Media
16:10-16:45 A round table
16:45-17:30 Anna Vavilova Aries Khan Kennel | "Back to the Wild" a 40 minutes documentary about hunting with Ridgebacks in the 21st century
** The program and schedule are not final; the program is subject to changes and timeline might slightly change due to the live nature of the event.
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